Aug 25, 2010

Time: 12:00 pm

Location: Coliseum Restaurant – Fall Spill Exercise Pre-Planning Meeting

Attendees: Dave Smith, Daniel Deiana, Bruce Ryberg, Mike Dice, Les Cook

Not in attendance: Dallas Morrell, Charlie Schell, Cody Kohlman & Barry Knight

1. Daniel calls the meeting to order at 12:00 pm.  Les Cook seconds.  All in favor, carried.

2. Fall Spill Exercise pre planning

a. Date will be October 13, 2010

b. Time starting at 12:00 with lunch and the exercise will be from 1:00 – 2:30.  Clean & take inventory from 2:30 -3:15.  Debrief and recommendations by 3:15-3:45.  All directors to be at 10-8 Battery by 11:00 to stage area and prepare lunch.

c. Location will be Penn West 10-8 Battery.

d. Daniel will look after getting the Right of Access from the PFRA, Jennifer will look after getting the food ordered for 50 people. Jennifer to also email D&F Welding about getting the trailer to Penn West 10-8 battery.

e. Jennifer to check with the other areas to see the form they use for their spill exercises.

f. Daniel will draft up a letter to let the RM’s know what we are, what we do and what type of equipment.

3. CA Auditors

a. Daniel makes a motion for Barry Knight to look at getting quotes for CA Auditors to have the books audited next year.  Dave Smith seconded, all in favor, carried.

4. External equipment for the computer

a. Les Cook makes a motion to purchase an external hard drive to keep all excess info on to speed up the computer.  Seconded by Daniel Dieana, all in favor, carried.

5. Notice of Director form

a. Jennifer will send in a new Notice of Director form, taking Pat Gerien off and adding Kevin MacKrell.

b. Bruce Ryberg makes a motion to keep Jennifer Miller & Charlie Schell with signing authority but remove Pat Gerien and add Daniel Dieana, Mike Dice seconded, all in favor, carried.