March 14, 2014

Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Kindersley, Coliseum Restaurant

Attendees: Daniel Deiana, Kevin Mackrell, Les Cook, Jennifer Miller, Kenda Friesen

Not in attendance: Barry Knight , Sara Wilke, Stacey Spenst


3:00 pm Les Cook – Calls meeting to order, Daniel Deiana seconds, all in favour. (scribe Jennifer Miller)


Discussion around W3M Land Management Invoicing

Send copy of W3M Land Management to directors to review.

We need to split out what is Area 2 and what is consultant fees for oil spills.


Jen will send out invoices to Northern Blizzard, Penn West and Beaumont fr consultanting fees on spills.



Kenda Freisen makes a motion to make administrator wages from salaries to Admin fees, Kevin Mackrell seconds, all I favour, carried.


Barry Knight makes a motion for administrator to do the monthly books for 3 months, Daniel Deiana seconds, all in favour, carried.



Les Cook  adjourns meeting at 4:30 pm.