24 Hr Spill Equipment Number (306) 834-7898
Area II Administrator Number (306) 460-8340
Area II Committee Meeting
February 17, 2012

Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Coliseum Resturant
Attendees: Barry Knight, Mike Dice, Les Cook, Kevin Mackrell, Daniel Deiana &
Jen Miller
Not in attendance: Dallas Morrell, Charlie Schell, Cody Kohlman, Kenda Freisen, Bruce Ryberg, Sara Wilke & Dave Smith

Daniel called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm

1. Financials
a. Barry handed out the draft of the financial statement

2. Audit
a. Discussion
a.i. Barry talked to a third party group from Saskatoon, they are telling him that an audit is expensive but they had a suggestion on an alternative.
a.ii. Les Cook makes a motion for Barry Knight to look into a review instead of an audit, Kevin Mackrell seconds all in favor, carried.

3. Third Party Group
a. Discussion
a.i. Daniel has been talking to a third party group about coming in to look after planning Annual General Meetings and the exercises.  There would still be a steering committee, an administrator and an accountant but they will look after the organizing of meetings. Daniel will look into more information and email to the group.

4. Annual General Meeting
a. Planning
a.i. Date – March 28, 2012
a.ii. Start time – 12:00 pm with Lunch
a.iii. Place – Elks Hall – Kindersley
a.iv. Jen will email Dean and ask him to bring Trailer to AGM.
a.v. Daniel will try and get someone to come do a Microblaze presentation.
a.vi. Stuff to get done before Annual General Meeting:
a.vi.1. Sticker/Decal on Trailer
a.vi.2. Business cards to hand out at the meeting
a.vi.3. The new website up and running by March 28, 2012
a.vi.4. Les to get lights and lifejackets for the trailer

5. Spring Exercise
a. Discussion
a.i. May 23, 2012 will be the spring exercise date
a.ii. Marengo Hall – Les will book the hall

Daniel adjourned meeting at 1:30 pm.