January 10, 2014

Time: 11:30 pm

Location: Kindersley, Coliseum Restaurant

Attendees: Daniel Deiana, Kevin Mackrell, Les Cook, Stacey Spenst , Jennifer Miller

Not in attendance: Barry Knight , Sara Wilke


11:30 pm Les Cook – Calls meeting to order, Daniel Deiana seconds, all in favour. (scribe Jennifer Miller)


Annual General Meeting

Date:     March 12, 2014

Time:     12:00 pm

Place:    Elk Hall – Kindersley

Jen will order lunch once I know how many people will be attending.

Directors will meet at 11:00 to set up tables & chairs.

Financial statement 15 minutes.

Econ – Kenda to ask ECON if they plan on attending the AGM.


Membership List

Reviewed membership list, discussed changes that need to be made.


Trailer Info

Stacey will update the trailer Commercial Pak and drop off at SGI for updates.

The Penn West compound maybe sold so we will need to find a new place to park the trailer.  Al will talk to Tervita about parking the trailer out at the 16-16-30-23 Tervita facility.


Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.