January 8, 2016
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Penn West Milton Battery
Attendees: Les, Sara, Graham , Chris, Daniel, Cori, Barry, Scott & Jennifer
Not in attendance: Mark Kuss,
1) 1:00 pm Les Cook – Calls meeting to order, Sara Wilke seconds, all in favour. (scribe Jennifer Miller).
2) Chairman’s Meeting
a) Review meeting minutes from the November 19, 2015 Chairman’s Meeting
3) 2016 Membership List
a) Directors reviewed 2016 membership list.
i) Companies that we took off the list because they were sold:
(1) Seco Resources
(2) Bruin Oil and Gas
(3) Anegada
(4) Conoco Phillips
4) Financials
a) Review
i) Barry will talk to Close, Perkins & Hauta to see if they are interested in doing our review this year for the AGM.
5) 2016 Area 2 Meeting dates
i) April 27, 2016 – Annual General Meeting Coleville Hall, 12:00 lunch
with meeting starting at 1:00
June 17, 2016 – Directors Meeting at Penn West Battery starting at 1:00
September 21, 2016 – Spill Exercise
6) W3M Land Management
a) Jen to send Kurt an email about whether the boom fits on the new skimmer and if we need air lines.
7) Supplies for Trailer
a) We discussed some things that were needed for the trailer
i) 5 hp motor for the boat or an electric motor
Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm