February 15, 2008
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Kindersley, SK Provincial Building
Attendees: Dallas Morrell, Bruce Ryberg, Kenda Friesen (SER), Mike Dice, Pat Gerein, Dan Dennison, Rod Meyer, Daniel Deiana & Jennifer Miller
Not in attendance: Cody Kohlman, Charlie Schell, Mark Neumeier, Les Cook
Guests: Barry Knight (Knight Rose Accounting Services)
1. 10:00 am Dallas Morrell – Call meeting to order (scribe Jennifer Miller)
2. Review meeting minutes from January 29, 2008.
a. Motion: Bruce Ryberg, second by Mike Dice, adopts meeting minutes as read. Carried.
3. Discussion around the administrative duties
a. Membership mail outs
b. Pick up mail at Knight Rose Accounting Services
c. Update website
d. Prepare, submit and file Sask Justice papers
4. Discussion around Knight Rose Accounting Services
a. Handle all the book keeping
b. Prepare financial Statement monthly
c. Deposits
5. Administrative tools required for Area II to perform and maintain documentation for long term sustainability.
a. Charlie Schell makes a motion at the last meeting and seconded by Kenda Friesen to purchase a laptop computer, programming will be purchased as required. Nexen has donated the laptop. Jennifer will go to purchase a cell phone.
6. Discussion around payment to the previous Administrator for the last invoice submitted; invoice # 07-12 for $762.70.
a. Committee felt in light of the current financial imbalance in the book keeping it would be best to wait.
b. Rod Meyer makes a motion for Barry Knight to draft a letter to the previous administrator to explain what is happening with the financials. Pet Gerein seconds, all in favor, carried.
7. Next Pre-exercise meeting date is April 1, 2008 at the Kindersley Provincial building.
8. AGM and Spill Exercise date is April 30, 2008 place to be determined.
9. Bruce Ryberg makes a motion to adjourn meeting at 11:30 am, Dan Dennison seconds, all in favor, carried.