April 18, 2008
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Kindersley, SK Provincial Building
Attendees: Dallas Morrell, Bruce Ryberg, Kenda Friesen (SER), Les Cook, Mike Dice, Pat Gerein (teleconference),
Not in attendance: Cody Kohlman, Daniel Deiana, Rod Meyer, Dan Dennison, Charlie Schell, Mark Neumeier
Guests: Barry Knight (Knight Rose Accounting Services)
1. 1:15 pm Dallas Morrell – Call meeting to order (scribe Dallas Morrell)
2. Review meeting minutes from February 15, 2008.
a. Motion: Bruce Ryberg, second by Mike Dice, adopt meeting minutes as read. Carried.
3. Review financial reports to prepare and complete 2008 budget.
a. Review financial report, Barry Knight. Work on draft budget with input from directors on number of members, potential expenditures and capital income and expenditures.
i. Action – Dallas Morrell to complete budget with the help of Knight Rose Accounting and circulate for review. Also reviewed year to date financial reports, expenditures and income.
4. Review Sask Labor determination from complaint sent in by previous administrator. Outstanding invoice requires payment. In previous meeting it was discussed and voted on to hold back payment until such time as the books could be reviewed. Although the book work and financials are not 100% in balance with respect the invoices submitted, Sask labor has ruled to pay the previous administrator as per invoice # 08-0312. Cheque to be made payable to Sask Labor and mailed to the Swift Currant office to be held in trust until previous administrator signs off on final payment documentation prepared and submitted by Mr. Ron Byers to Ms. Pam Welter. Note, an error in holiday calculation was brought to the attention of the directors by Barry Knight. There was an approximate overpayment of $45.00.
a. Motion – Les Cook, second Kenda Friesen to pay invoice #08-0312 as submitted. Carried
5. Reviewed outstanding invoices to be paid, Sask Justice, Admin wages.
a. Motion – Les Cook, second Bruce Ryberg to pay invoices as submitted. Carried.
6. Discussion around payment of routinely submitted invoices, telephone, monthly administration, Sask Justice, Knight Rose Accounting.
a. Motion – Mike Dice, second by Bruce Ryberg, Area II will pay these invoices without having to make a motion to do so as meetings are too far apart. Also, as there are two signatures required on cheques so the committee feels there is a check and balance process in place. Carried.
7. Committee discussed dates, scenarios and locations for AGM and exercise.
a. Date May 28, 2008 – Coleville Hall for AGM exercise location to be determined.
b. Time: 10:00 am
c. Guest Speakers – to be organized by committee
d. Lunch at 11:30
e. Exercise – 12:30 or 1:00 – 3:00 pm
f. Exercise scenario – remote location oil/produced water recovery. Pump from spill location to portable tanks over a long distance.
8. Action –
a. Bruce Ryberg and Mike Dice to find a suitable location for exercise by April 25, 2008 complete with a map and directions. Forward the information to Jennifer so she can get it in the mail outs.
b. Les Cook to replace 50% of the oil stained boom in the Area II trailer, Conoco Phillips to cover cost.
c. Les Cook to purchase a second portable tank, a motion will be required if suitable one is found for reasonable price.
d. Dallas to send Les web link to spill response supply stores.
e. Jennifer book Coleville Hall for AGM. Organize food for 75-100 people.
f. Jennifer contact Sask Justice. Request extension to June 15, 2008 for financial statement. Deadline is April 30, 2008 to have this submitted to Sask Justice and must be presented at AGM.
g. Jennifer, send mass email, and send letters to all on mail out list, location and times, etc.
h. Pre-exercise meeting will be required to organize.
i. Cody Kohlman, contact custodian and make sure equipment is ready to go.
j. Cody Kohlman, prepare inventory report before exercise. Submit to Jennifer.
9. Next Meeting Date – Pre-planning meeting for exercise – May to be determined.
10. Motion – Pat Gerein, second Mike Dice to adjourn meeting at 3:25 pm. Carried.