Date: September 26/08
Time: 12:00PM
Place: Coliseum Restaurant
Attendees: Dave Smith, Pat Gerein, Cody Kohlman, Jennifer Miller, Daniel Deiana, Barry Knight
Not in Attendance: Charlie Schell, Dallas Morrell, Bruce Ryberg, Kenda Friesen (SER), Mike Dice, Les Cook & Kevin Mackrell
New Business:
1. Barry Read through the financial statement for the month, and handed in his 9 month invoice.
a. Cody Kohlman made a motion to pay Knight Rose Accounting Services $482.83 from January to September, 2008. Daniel Deiana seconds, all in favor, carried.
2. Trailer inventory – Jennifer still has not received inventory sheets, Jen will stop and see Charlie today.
3. Discussed Area II Spill exercise
a. The directors will meet at 10:00 at Penn West Battery; make sure D&F has the trailer there for 10:00.
b. Get things organized, pull out equipment, start pumps, etc.
c. Barry will go through financial statement
d. Pat has a guy coming to do a slide show presentation.
e. Jen will order pizza for 50 from Panago; they will deliver to the battery.
5. Exercise.