November 20, 2009
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Coliseum Restaurant
Attendees: Pat Gerein, Dave Smith, Daniel Deiana, Charlie Schell, Dallas Morrell & Jennifer Miller
Not in attendance: Mike Dice, Les Cook, Kevin MacKrell, Cody Kohlman, Kendra Friesen, Quniton St. Peirre, Bruce Ryberg & Barry Knight
1. Inventory
a. Dallas replaced the sock boom, he stacked it right to the roof, and the trailer is ready to go for the next time.
b. Dallas took an inventory of the trailer, he will email me the sheet and I will email a new inventory sheet to D&F Welding.
c. Jen to make a monthly checklist and check the sheet off monthly.
2. Financials
a. Barry Knight told Pat that he will get the financials to us in a couple days.
b. Barry to forward Budget #’s to Pat and Pat to forward to directors.
c. Jen to email Barry about Insurance for the trailer
3. 2010 Membership Information
a. Directors reviewed the membership letter and made a few changes.
b. I will get the 2010 membership letters out by the end of December, 2010
c. If companies have questions they can contact any of the directors from Area II with any issues.
d. List of 2009 Paid members’ needs to be sent to Regina by January 1st or 2nd, Contact Dallas and he will give me the email address to send membership.
e. We are going to look at getting our own Post office box for just Area II information.
i. Daniel makes a motion to change our post office box to be an Area II post office box, Dave seconds, all in favor, carried.
f. Jen will email Barry and let him know of this change.
4. AGM & Spring Exercise
a. Annual General Meeting
i. Date is set for January 27, 2010 at the Coleville Community Hall at 1:00 pm
ii. Jen will book hall and get coffee and donuts for that day.
iii. Dallas will present his information and findings from the spill he had at Nexen Court Field.
iv. Kenda will also do a presentation from Energy and Resources.
v. Jen will send out AGM Posters with 2010 Membership info and I will also send an email to companies I have email addresses for.
b. Spring exercise
i. Date has been set for June 2, 2010
ii. Location – Kerrobert Reservoir
iii. Time: to be determined
iv. Cody Kolhman to talk to Town of Kerrobert about using the Reservoir.
5. Pat Gerein is going to the chairman’s meeting next week.
Dallas Morrell makes a motion to adjourn meeting @ 2:00 pm. Charlie seconds.