1. Call meeting to order

2. Brief overview of the Non-Profit Corporations Act

3. Review 2009 Financial statement

4. Audit financial statement, motion needs to be made

5. The benefits of Containment, what Area II trailer has to offer – Dallas Morrell

6. Presentation from Energy & Resources


Date: January 27, 2010

Time: 1:00am

Place: Coleville Community Hall

34 Members in Attendance

1. Welcome

2. Pat Gerien calls the meeting to order @ 1:00,  Bruce Ryberg seconds.

3. Pat Gerein gave an overview on Area 11 Spill Co-Op to those in attendance, Pat emphasized the benefits of membership and cost savings to producers in the case of a spill by utilizing the resources of the spill co-op.

4. Pat introduced Brian Ohlieser from Sask. Energy & Resources’. Brian gave a presentation on the # of recorded spill within Area II, also had a brief discussion on the #  of well licenses issued in the previous year and what to expect in the coming year in regards to licenses issued.

5. Barry Knight gave an overview of the Area II Environmental Response Unit Financial Statement for the year ending December 31/09        
-Dallas Morrell asked Barry about how custodian fees were broke out in the financial statement.

6. Pat motioned to accept the financial statement as presented.
-accepted by Joey Larocque
-seconded by Bob McTaggart

7. Dallas Morrell gave presentation on a spill he experienced on a Nexen lease in the summer of 09. Through this presentation Dallas highlighted the quick response time from the Area II custodian, as the trailer was on site with 60 minutes. Dallas further emphasized how valuable the trailer (with all the necessary spill response equipment) was in gaining control of the spill and reducing further environmental impact. Dallas talked about a product he utilized on this particular spill,  the product is called “Micro-Blaze”, the results from using this product were very positive.
a. A question from the audience was raised about “if there was a phone list in the trailer containing committee members #’s? Dallas responded by stating the purpose of the AGM and the annual exercise was to educate and familiarize the members on the use of the equipment and how to access the equipment from the custodian, the only #’s required by the producer would be the phone #’s listed in their own ERP’s, but assistance or advice could be provided from any committee member and all contact info is provided on the website.

8. Pat Gerein opened up nominations for new committee members, no one in attendance stepped forward to become a member. Pat talked with Daniel Dieana, (absent), about taking on the Board Chairman position, he accepted the opportunity, motion to accept Daniel Deiana as Board Chairman was passed by Dallas Morrell and seconded by Ernie Paslavski.

9. Board Members in attendance (Bruce Ryberg, Dave Smith, Les Cook and Barry Knight) are letting their names stand to remain on the committee. Members not present will be contacted to see if they want to remain committee members.

10. Les adjourned meeting, all in favor…..

11. Members in Attendance:

Pat GereinConoco Phillips
Dave SmithNexen Inc.
Michael PsovskWestfire
Quinn WattWestfire
Lawrence WoodWild Stream Resources
Les CookConoco Phillips
Jay EaglesonPlains Midstream
Bob FarrellPlains Midstream
Shane SwanMarble Point
Tim GallingerPengrowth
Donald TwinVertes Oil & Gas
Graeme DrysdaleARC
Stephen MastelImperial Oil
Ernie PaslanskiARC Resources
Clayton ArtymovichARC
Dean DeckTalisman Energy
Doral HansenTamberco Management
Bob McTaggertRejanne Resources
Darrell ThackeraySpur Resources
Grant ChristisonHarvest
Kelly SmithHarvest
Doug ChrumlenHarvest
Quinton St.PierrePenn West
Sean ThomasPenn West
Barry WalzSphere Energy
Joe LaroqueIsh Energy
Derek SmithIsh Energy
Brian OhlheiserMER
Kenda FriesonMER
Dale GilbertTransgas
Earl Mullen101043235 Ison
Dallas MorrellNexen
Barry KnightKnight Rose Accounting
Bruce RybergNexen