August 22, 2014
Time: 1:30 pm
Location: Coliseum Restaurant, Kindersley
Attendees: Les Cook, Jennifer Miller, Kenda Friesen, Stacey Spenst
Not in attendance: Barry Knight , Sara Wilke, Cori Schmidt, Al Greenwood, Kevin Mackrell, Scott Pitura, Harlan Reiter
1:30 pm Les Cook – Calls meeting to order, Kenda Friesen seconds, all in favour. (scribe Jennifer Miller).
Spill Exercise
Date: Wednesday October 8, 2014
Location: Penn West
Lunch: Hoosier Hall
Time: 12:00 and exercise to follow
Jennifer to email Sara to get numbers for the Hall and lunch.
Kenda Friesen makes a motion to remove Daniel Deiana, leave Jennifer Miller and Les Cook and add herself to have signing authority on the Area II bank accounts, all in favour, carried
Jennifer to email this motion to all the director and get their approval.
Items for Disccussion
Stacey Spenst talked to Area III about doing a combined spill exercise in the winter. We could get WCSS to help and do it at the river.
Spill exercises
We picked which companies will look after the next 3 years of exercises, Penn West is looking after 2014. This involves finding the water to do a spill exercise, the location to have a meeting big enough to hold at least 50 people and getting all the information to the administrator.
2015 spill exercise will be organized by Northern Blizzard.
2016 Spill exercise will be organized by Teine Energy Inc.
2017 Spill Exercise will be organized by Crescent Point
Discussion Items for Next Meeting
Website – Review website and make changes to the policies around using the spill trailer
Pump – A new pump will be bought for the spill exercise trailer if a company needs to use it then they are to purchase a new pump.
Stacey to get an inventory list of what WCSS has in their Winter trailer.
Look at purchasing a smaller trailer for spare equipment and winter invenotory. Les Cook to get prices on a 16 foot trailer.
Les Cook adjourns meeting at 2:30 pm.