24 Hr Spill Equipment Number (306) 834-7898

Area II Administrator Number (306) 460-8340

October 13, 2010 Spill Exercise

Agenda & Spill Exercise

Oil Spill Co-Operative: Area II
Exercise Date: Wednesday October 13, 2010
Type of Exercise: On Standing Water
Location of Exercise: Penn West Batt LSD10-8-31-20 w3
Host Company: Penn West, Brain Cooke
Attendance: 65 people
Companies: 33 companies in Attendance

1. Welcome and call to order
2. Introductions: Committee members, Guests
3. Orientation, general rules
4. Review exercise objectives
5. Exercise
6. Debreifing

1. Les Cook calls meeting to order at 12:56, Brian Cooke seconds, all in favor, carried.
2. Daniel introduced committee members in attendance, Deb Stark from Sask 911 and other guests in attendance.
a. Sask 911 presentation:
a.i. Debora Stark did a brief presentation on Sask 911, she gave some tips when calling 911 from a cell phone.  The operators were able to ask her questions.  This was a very informative presentation.

3. Orientation & general rules
a. No vehicles will be driven down to the exercise site
b. No smoking on PFRA land
c. Brian Cooke, from Penn West is the on Site Commander.

4. Exercise Objectives
a. Include organizational structure fro responding to spills in surface water.
b. Equipment deployment into the surface water; clean up will include trailer inventory gathering
c. Participants are provided witht information and hands on experience that will enable them to effectively contain and recover and oil spill onto surface water.
d. Exercise debriefing:  Measurable will be objective to our observable performance.  Positives.  Challenges/opportunities.

5. Exercise
a. Spill exercise scenario; Tanker slid off roadway and spilled hydrocarbon into standing water.  No injuries.
a.i. Containment Teams
a.i.1. Boom Crew…Captain – Vaughn
a.i.2. Safety Watch…Kevin
a.ii. Recovery Teams.
a.ii.1. Pump & Skimmer Crew Captain – Ryan
a.ii.2. Safety Watch – Jim

b. Area II committee members started to pull the equipment needed to contain this spill out of the trailer and assembled.
c. Daniel puts peat moss in the water to simulate a spill.
d. Once we pulled the skimmer out of the trailer we realized we could not use it because there was still a trace of oil from the last spill.
e. Operators still pulled the boom out in the water to contain the spill, we could not use the pump and skimmer.
f. Area II committee members pulled out equipment and explained what each pieces does, how it can be used and for what type of spill.
g. Equipment put back in trailer and walked back to shop for a befriefing

6. Debriefing
a. Some of the things we can improve on for next time:
a.i. Make sure all the equipment is properly cleaned prior to an exercise.  One suggestion was made to have equipment for actual spills and other equipment just for training exercises.
a.ii. Trailier is too small
a.iii. The new boom that was bought is too long to be put on the skimmer.

Brian Cooke adjourned meeting and exercise at 2:16 pm.  Bruce Ryberg seconded, all in favor, carried.


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