December 17, 2010

Time: 12:00 pm

Location: Western Pizza

Attendees: Cody Kohlman, Daniel Deiana, Kevin Mackrell, Les Cook, Dave Smith, Jen Miller

Not in attendance: Dallas Morrell, Mike Dice, Charlie Schell, Barry Knight, Quinton St. Pierrie.


1. Review 2011 documentation

a. Request for donation letter

b. Area II Membership Letter

c. Area II Membership invoice

2. Annual General Meeting

a. Pick a date

b. Time

c. Place

d. Guest Speaker

3. Trailer Prices


1. Daniel called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm

2. 2011 Documentation

a. We reviewed membership letter and invoice, everything looks fine and ready to send out.

b. Donation letter we decided not to send this year.

3. Annual General Meeting

a. Date – March 23, 2011

b. Time – 10:00 with lunch at 12:00, Jen to get a caterer.

c. Place – Kindersley Elks Hall

d. Think of guest speakers for the meeting.

4. Trailer Prices

a. Try to support the local trailer businesses

b. Get final price from Prairie Trailer Sales in Flaxcombe, then Les will email.

c. Kevin to get prices for Decals on the side.

5. Les Cook adjourns the meeting at 1:24pm.